Doylestown Borough has many boards and commissions that act to advise our local government. The Code of Ordinance establishes them, and members are appointed and reappointed by the Borough Council.
We rely on citizen participation in these various boards and commissions, and it's a wonderful way to get involved in your community. Members of the boards and commissions must meet particular qualifications that vary slightly for each board. Individuals who wish to contribute some time to support local government are invited to apply when openings arise. To receive notice of openings when they happen, please sign up for D-Mail.
Current Boards and Commissions Include:
- Building Code Board of Appeals
- Environmental Advisory Council
- Fanny Chapman Pool Board
- Human Relations Commission
- Historic & Architectural Review Board
- Planning Commission
- Park & Recreation Board
- Shade Tree Commission
- Youth Aid Panel
- Zoning Hearing Board
Note: If an agenda is available for a board and/or commission meeting, there will be a link provided from the public meeting calendar.