The annual Doylestown Arts Festival and the Bucks County Classic Bike Race will be held on Saturday, September 7 and Sunday, September 8, 2024!
Often described as “Bucks County’s Biggest Weekend” these events will result in road closures, detours, and parking restrictions in Doylestown Borough.
On Saturday 9/7 between 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM, the Arts Festival will result in the following road closures:
-Main Street (between Ashland Street and Court Street)
-State Street (between Pine Street and Clinton Street)
-Hamilton Street (between W Court St and West Oakland Ave) *
-West Oakland Avenue (between Main and Clinton Streets) *
*Hamilton Street (between State & Oakland) and West Oakland (between Main & Clinton) will remain closed overnight Saturday into Sunday with emergency vehicle access only. Local detours will be in effect.
There will be NO PARKING due to these events on Saturday 9/7 and Sunday 9/8 on the following streets:
-Main Street (Court to Ashland)
-State Street (Pine to Clinton)
-West Oakland Ave (Clinton to Main)
-East Ashland Street (Pine to Main)
-Pine Street (Court to State)
-Pine Street Parking Lot
-West Court Street (Clinton to Hamilton)
-South Hamilton Street (Court to Oakland)
-Dommel Way Parking Lot
-Plaza West Parking Lot
-Clinton Street Parking Lot
-Church Street (E. Ashland to N. Main)
Vehicles on these streets past 5:00 AM on Saturday or Sunday will be towed. Please do not park overnight in these locations.
The following streets will be closed for the Bucks County Classic course on Sunday (9/8) in addition to the closures already in place for the Arts Festival:
-Court Street (between Clinton and Broad)
-Pine Street (between Court and Oakland)
-East and West Oakland Avenue (between Lafayette and Pine)
-Main Street (Court to Ashland)
-West Ashland Street (Lafayette to Main)
-Lafayette Street (Ashland to Oakland)
-Hamilton Street (between Court and Ashland)
Racing will begin at 9:05 am and continue until approximately 3:30 pm. Access to areas within the race route, which encircles the town center, will be controlled and limited during this time.

Designed to illuminate the region’s ongoing commitment to arts and culture, the Doylestown Arts Festival annually features 150+ juried artists, live music on 5 stages, live art and interactive demonstrations.
More info here!

The Bucks County Classic is the premier bike race in the region. With professional races, amateur races, kids races, and a citizens bike parade all circling the Doylestown Arts Festival, there's something for everyone.
More info here!

The Doylestown Dart will provide shuttle services during the festival. The buses are handicap accessible and free to ride. Shuttles will run from 10am until 5pm each day.
More info here!

Thank you to the Bucks County Commissioners who have approved FREE PARKING in the County owned parking garages for these great events!
More info here!